Welcome to Remote Dyslexia Solutions

Led by Celeste Vigliotti, a seasoned Special Education expert, we specialize in personalized tutoring services that address dyslexia and related learning differences

Empowering Your Child's Learning Journey

At Remote Dyslexia Solutions, we believe that every child has the potential to excel, no matter the learning challenges they face. Led by Celeste Vigliotti, a seasoned Special Education expert, we specialize in personalized tutoring services that address dyslexia and related learning differences.

Why Choose Us?

Personalized Tutoring

Every child’s learning needs are unique. Our one-on-one tutoring sessions are tailored to meet these specific needs, ensuring personal attention and a path tailored just for them.

Proven Methods

We utilize the OrtonGillingham approach, a multisensory technique proven to improve reading, writing, and spelling skills in children with learning differences.

Experienced Educators

Our team, led by Celeste Vigliotti, is composed of certified professionals trained in the latest educational methods. Their expertise is your child's advantage.

Transform Learning Challenges into Success

Visual and Auditory Engagement

We make learning engaging and effective by incorporating visual and auditory elements that enhance comprehension.

Hands-On Learning

Activities are designed to be interactive, making learning enjoyable and memorable.

Customized Learning Plans

Each plan is crafted to start at your child’s current level and build progressively, fostering confidence and growth.

Ready to Begin?

Discover how Remote Dyslexia Solutions can make a difference in your child’s educational journey.
Reach out today to learn more and schedule your first consultation.

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